Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Health Care Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 24
Human services Leadership - Essay Example Kevin as a supervisor has certain defects among which the most regular is his failure to impart regarding clear vision, passing on technique planned, getting input and distinguishing needs with staff. Likewise, he needs trust over capacities of others and doesn't permit them to face challenges or work openly and along these lines really plays out their activity as opposed to allowing them to work. He additionally needs recognizing future chances and thoughts to improve the business procedure. 3. After correlation of Kevin’s qualities and territories of improvement, I would lean toward not to work under Kevin at this stage for example prior to proficient turn of events. Rather than being a group chief and significant level administrator, he has selected to fill in as colleague lacking thoughts of advancement. I could make a good example even the individual working under me, yet select a manager who gives enough space to face challenges receiving new abilities and increase understanding. Conveying viably as far as large scale undertakings is the essential assignment of top administration, which in any case would create turmoil and bedlam. So as to make a dream it is significant not simply to counsel the higher administration rather laborers at lower and staff level ought to likewise be examined (Robert Lussier, 2012). They could likewise think of splendid thoughts, objectives and goals which can be made a piece of the organization’s vision. So as to convey the planned vision proclamation, it must be guaranteed that each and every representative in the association has completely comprehended its incentive from the scratch; it’s recalling that it as well as driving the correct importance of the announcement. Those whom Kevin followed in regards to the advancement program assumed a significant job in his improvement as a pioneer. Any advancement program is a continuous procedure, and self improvement regarding correspondence requires time and stages. In spite of the fact that the mentor tutored Kevin as far as vision creation and correspondence, however the ones to for all intents and purposes examine him were his associates. Without their fair conclusion, it was impractical for Kevin changes his improvement procedure.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
BUS475 Final Strategic Plan and Presentation Essay
BUS475 Final Strategic Plan and Presentation - Essay Example Notwithstanding the business type set up; it is relevant to value the two principal parts of vital arranging, for example long haul targets and the comprehensive strategy.These destinations and methodologies help the executives to predefine authoritative goals. Long haul destinations allude to results the association looks to achieve over a specific period, for example, a five-year time frame. Excellent techniques, then again, are the careful methodologies that direct authoritative activities planned for meeting the drawn out goals The foundation of these destinations and targets fixates on the firm’s mission, qualities and vision. Some eminent systems that empower the accomplishment of HBR’s objectives and dealing with the changing condition incorporate the accompanying: Financial Strategies The spa’s primary goal is to turn into the special spa where clients go to improve their regular excellence. HBR additionally targets expanding its piece of the pie by at an y rate 9-12% in the following two years while likewise working on high income and low expenses. HBR will build up strategies to give a harmony between its salary and use. HRB will base its computation of the favored benefits on the assessment of want and value percentiles of benefit. HBR will utilize the methodology of rate of profitability to expand the utilization of budgetary assets and lessen costs effectively. Innovation Strategies In staying aware of present day advancements, the spa will accomplish its goals in a viable way. The firm will constantly update and value the most recent programming data innovations that have enormous effects of the excellence business. These advancements will help HBR to impart precise and convenient data to all partners. Some indispensable data innovations, which HBR will have, incorporate intranet organizing, the Internet, email, fax, phones and cell phones. IT procedures guarantee HBR offers types of assistance to its customers for the duration of the day. Innovatively, the spa will situate itself deliberately by having the most recent online reservation and installment administrations for occupied experts (Wilson and Gilligan, 2005). Advertising Strategies HBR’s promoting objective is to produce attention to the spa and provide food for people with the longing to be spoiled and revive their inborn excellence. HBR targets offering the most ideal magnificence encounters to its clients to guarantee high referrals. HBR plans to be a magnet for both center and high pay workers by giving customized bundles to suit their requests and monetary capacities (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2008). These people may choose the total magnificence bundle that incorporates a full kelp body clean, facial, nail treatment, pedicure and cosmetics application or a couple of these administrations. Regardless of the bundle customers pick; HBR will offer its customers the most ideal administrations with the most extreme demonstrable skill. H BR will utilize limited time projects, for example, gift vouchers at sponsored rates, publicizing, particularly in web-based social networking destinations and shopping centers, internet promoting and print and electronic media. The firm will likewise offer complimentary facials to every single new customer to hold them as long as possible. Observing and Controlling In HBR, the execution of vital plans is amazingly indispensable since control and checking are basic to the precision of the key usage plan. Some urgent observing and controlling devices incorporate the accompanying: 1. Improvement Behavioral Control System is essential to the model execution of HBR’s vital arrangement. HBR will screen its working strategy, guidelines, rules and guidelines. HBR will control the usage of approaches guarding moral and lawful systems and HR. This control program is practical in learning the connection between the exercises of HBR and the results (Wilson and Gilligan, 2005). 2. Improv ement of a quality control framework is additionally a powerful checking and
Thursday, August 13, 2020
How to Use Kanban to Improve Business Productivity
How to Use Kanban to Improve Business Productivity © | Bakhtiar ZeinThe focus of this article is to provide a complete guide to the topic of Kanban and how to use it to improve business productivity. We will explore 1) what is Kanban, 2) how to use Kanban to improve business productivity, 3) types of Kanban, 4) case study, and 5) conclusion.DEFINITION OF KANBANWhat is Kanban?Kanban is a technique that ensures efficient management of the software development process. This procedure may be compared to a pipeline where feature requests are entered from one end, and enhanced software comes as output from the other end.Inside the pipeline, a formal or informal process goes on, and there might be bottlenecks in the flow of that process. When this happens, the throughput of the whole pipeline becomes restricted to the bottleneck’s throughput.A Kanban system comprises a huge board on the wall having sticky notes or cards kept in numbered columns. The cards stand for work items that flow along the development procedure ind icated by the columns. The numbers imply limits on cards each column is allowed to have.Who can use Kanban?Software development teams and IT project managers widely make use of Kanban boards. These are also used by a number of other project teams and business managers to conduct smart work and streamline the business procedure. In short, Kanban boards can be used by those people who need the following:Visualization of the work that is in progress;Instant comprehension of impediments responsible for delay and taking actions for their removal;Improvement of communication amongst team members;Team empowerment for self-management of workflows and visual processes;Inspiration for team collaboration.Why we need Kanban?Now the point is why Kanban is required at all. Well, there are indeed reasons to apply Kanban and let us see what these are:Flow visualization in a perfect manner: The Kanban board offers a lucid view of the work that is currently going on. Visualization of the flow ensures fast tracking and planning. In fact, by visualizing the work, you can understand the manner in which it is proceeding so that if changes are required, proper and timely decision can be taken.Capability of altering priorities on the fly: In case of Kanban, if you need to implement an urgent request, or have a very significant user story, you can simply place it on the top of the queue. Whenever a free slot is there, it will be taken up.Capability of releasing anytime: In XP or Scrum, the release is not possible in the midst of iteration. However, in Kanban, the anytime release is feasible. So, you are able to release whenever there is a ready user story.Showing WIPs: For every state within the workflow, work in progress has a limit. WIP is defined as verage amount of unfinished items (bugs, user stories, change requests, etc.) in the development system. Within the local WIP limit, whenever capacity is available, fresh work is drawn into the fresh information discovery activity.Exper imentation and Collaboration: Kanban leads to continuous, small, evolutionary and incremental changes that stick. This gives a boost to self-governance and motivation of teams.HOW TO USE KANBAN TO IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITYProcess for implementation of KanbanKanban can be successfully implemented in any business process. By following these steps, Kanban can be implemented to improve business productivity.Step 1: Visualize the workFirst of all, break down the workflow from the moment of getting started to the point the job is finished into clear-cut steps. For each of the steps, draw a column. Once this is done, obtain some stickies. Note down all the tasks, using a separate sticky note for each. For various kinds of work, use various colors. Place the sticky notes on the whiteboard. Gradually shift each task from left to right till it is over and goes out of the workflow.Step 2: Put a limit on WIPIt is a fact that if you juggle innumerable balls with your hands, you begin dropping the bal ls. Kanban revolves around maintenance of flow and elimination of waste. Begin by imposing limits on the columns where tasks are being done. If you put WIP limits, it will pave the way for enforcement of a high, seamless flow of work and ensure elimination of various types of wastes.Step 3: Pull, instead of pushingFriction amongst teams is a common matter, particularly when one is showing better performance and is able to push or generate more work than another can manage. To solve this, businesses might opt for the pull system, where the successive team pulls work only at a time when it is ready for the same. The pull system can be implemented through the addition of a limited capacity buffer in between different teams.Step 4: Improve through monitoring and adaptationA Cumulative Flow Chart is the best tool for measurement of Kanban performance. Daily mark the number of tasks that are in each column or at some place down the workflow. This will lead to the production of a chart tha t looks like a mountain, giving insight into the procedure, by showing past performance and enabling prediction of future results.Kanban BoardA Kanban board is a tool for visualization of work and workflow that allows optimization of the flow of work. In case of physical Kanban boards, issues, progress, and status is communicated through sticky notes over a whiteboard.Considerations before implementing KanbanKanbans are, in fact, lean information tools that control material flow in organizations. To implement Kanban, you need to consider certain things:Kanbans are visual communication tools from the point of use to the preceding operation, that is, from the client to the supplier.Suppliers can also consider them as purchase orders.Kanbans can be regarded as work orders with respect to the manufacturing area.They are crucial in eliminating paperwork.Kanbans are not suitable for the following:Single piece or batch (or lot) production (for instance, it would not be advisable to go for Kanban if the output is five pieces in a year);Systems where suppliers are required to carry inventory along with the related carrying costs (lean implies a win-win situation; inventory schemes including consignments do not lead to a win-win situation);Safety stock;Tools for long-range planning (alteration in part number use as a result of engineering alterations, new product introductions or customer variations in usage of product are things that are better handled by conventional methods).It is advisable to launch the Kanban project with around six to eight items, which highlight only a particular area of the facility. When you are launching the initiative for a particular department or part of the organization, ensure that the organization is aware of the launch. When the already existing items are experiencing a smooth flow and the organization has increased support for Kanban, more areas and items can be added.There are certain guidelines for implementing Kanban. For proper imp lementation, you need to keep in mind the following:The prerequisites for Kanban implementation are setup reduction and uniform production. If you do not have setup reduction in position, order sizes cannot be brought down. Uniform production or requirements should begin the Kanban learning curve although there are methods to cope up in an environment where there are erratic demands.It would be a great idea to paint all reusable containers including carts and totes, a visible and fresh color. If this is done, the Kanban initiative becomes optimally visible to everybody within the organization at the time of launching. Moreover, your team will have the opportunity to conveniently identify a signal or container that is not in order.For implementing Kanban, you need to certify the external suppliers. The point in certifying suppliers is that the deliveries of those suppliers who are certified need not go through inspection owing to their record of outstanding quality. Supplier part Kan bans that are put on hold or rejected can be extremely disruptive.Make use of Kanban supermarkets. These supermarkets happen to be intermediate storage places at the customer level between the customers and the suppliers catering to them. Supermarkets come to use when there are a number of internal customers for an internal or external supplier. They act as barriers preventing the supplier from obtaining manifold signals from every internal customer of the organization for that particular supplier. In fact, the external or internal supplier gets replenishment signals from solely the supermarket pertaining to the customer.Kanban RulesFor proper implementation of Kanban, certain rules need to be followed. Only by following those rules will the organizations realize maximum output.If all the members pertaining to the value chain are not completely involved, it is not advisable to go for a physical product or an information product. This includes taking into account the customers, as we ll as the external suppliers. It is a fact that unless you have top-notch suppliers, you cannot become a top-notch manufacturer.Endeavor to attain quality at the very source. Refrain from sending defective physical products or information to the customers. Go for immediate correction of defects. Otherwise, there will be a shutdown of the customer’s line.To implement Kanban, you need to have the support of reliable equipment. So, apply Kanbans in internal areas where you already have TPM or Total Productive Management.Try to apply Kanbans on part numbers and products where monthly delivery requirements are stable along with steady lead times and short setup. In parts that have great variations in monthly customer requisites, efforts towards reducing raw material lead time and setup reduction should be concentrated.All external, as well as internal suppliers, need to possess or should be given assistance to develop programs for setup reduction. Only when manufacturing capacity and i n turn lead time is not influenced by setup times, can the potential of Kanbans be fully unleashed.The customer is the point of use, and the delivery of all materials by the suppliers must be done to the customers. If certification is pending for suppliers and inspection is required, customers should be trained to do the inspection. Alternatively, a certified supplier should replace the yet to be certified one.Kanbans are not permanent and might call for experimentation. Initially, you must be prepared to make adjustments to alterations in sales levels or other enhancement initiatives to bring down the requisite number of Kanban cards or containers.TYPES OF KANBANIn most Kanban systems utilized in organizations, a number of different types of cards come into play. Here are the major types.Withdrawal Kanban: They are also known as move cards or conveyance kanbans and are utilized for signaling whenever a component is to be shifted from one production part to another. The card is conn ected to a stipulated number of parts that are taken to the working place where they are required. When the parts are utilized, the return of the card takes place as a signal for sending the same part with the same number back.Production Kanban: This consists of an exhaustive list of all the things the part needs so that it is completed. This incorporates the requisite materials and parts along with the information that a withdrawal Kanban includes. A production Kanban enables the production system to begin with the production and also explain the things that should be produced.Express Kanban: This type of Kanbans come to the scene when there is an unanticipated shortage of parts. They signal that an increasing number of a particular part is needed. The aim is to ensure that there is no slowing down of the manufacturing process. Express Kanbans are often called as signal Kanbans. They are mainly used for triggering purchases.Emergency Kanban: These are the Kanbans that are used for the replacement of defective parts or for signaling an abrupt change in the quantity of the product that is required to be produced. Contrary to express Kanbans, organizations make use of emergency Kanbans when a part fails to work in a similar manner in which it is expected to, or when there are certain alterations in the production conditions. Express Kanbans, on the contrary, are utilized for making the original production conditions seamlessly running.Through Kanban: These are, in fact, a combination of production and withdrawal Kanbans. These are used in a situation when both the work centers pertaining to these Kanbans are situated adjacent to each other. This in turn, speeds up the production process. For example, in case the area of storage for the components is exactly beside the area wherein the assembling of the product is taking place, it saves time to have one Kanban pull the parts and operate them across the production procedure.Supplier Kanban: This type of Kanban mov es right away to a supplier, which is, in fact, an organization from where the manufacturer purchases material. The Kanban system of the supplier is entered as a representation of that of the manufacturer.CASE STUDYHere is a very good case study of how Kanban has been applied in the case of a marketing team, with the prime aim to enhance the transparency of the process. This particular team, which is an external and internal group organizing educational events, was popular for carrying out their tasks successfully. However, the team identified a significant absence of transparency, which prevents the team members from getting an idea of the “big pictureâ€.The consensus that all of them required enhanced process visualization was a good position to start off as well as an excellent incentive that would work out.The person, who was the creator of this idea quickly got to work and prepared a Kanban introduction of one and a half hour for the non-agile team. He obtained the approval of the supervisor and started designing a Kanban board. All the team members came together, and a Kanban system was designed from scratch:The item types were decided. Initially there were two, for offline and online events, but it was rapidly identified that having two items created no difference; hence they stuck to only a single event.The team then charted out its workflow. The team members organized the workflow as inbox (the arrival of new events), briefing (small meet up with stakeholders), preparation (getting the real work done in sub-columns of do, doing and done) , running and finally, done (consisting of feedback and debriefing for certain events)The lockers of the team were chosen for the creation of the Kanban boards, each locker representing a column. The plan was to go to the establishment of WIP limits and policies. However, once all the ongoing events were visualized by the team on the Kanban board, the team precisely got what was required. So, for the time being, th ey stopped there.After around two days, the team understood the requirement for adding swimlanes with respect to tasks that were not related to any event, as well as for other types of items. The board had potential and the requirement to grow. The creator also found the need for improvement of the delivery time of the team, though executing this in reality might be difficult due to the deadline attached to each event, regarding which nothing more could be done. This was again a thing that required working out.The overall result of this experiment was that, irrespective of the line of work you are in, Kanban comes up with wonderful ways of making enhancements, a step at a time. Here, only the workflow visualization part was utilized by the team. By holding review meetings and adding WIP limits, more improvement could be done.CONCLUSIONThe Kanban method, in fact, incorporates a scientific approach which when implemented, leads to incremental, continuous and evolutionary changes withi n the organizations, which ultimately leads to more productivity and enhancement of the bottom line. Regardless of the type of Kanban used, it should be understood that the Kanban system is a route to achieving a purpose and measure the capability towards the same. On the whole, Kanban is not a procedure, but something that finds application in an existing working method to understand different aspects such as workflow, WIP, continuous improvement, and cadence.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Borders Group, A Failed Business - 1604 Words
Introduction There are many businesses failing in the world today but there also a lot of business thriving. It is situations like this that leads to potential entrepreneurs to ask the question of why are some businesses successful while others are not. This course has given me some insight as to why some businesses fail. Having that information would make me better prepared for when I decide to start my business. My Failed Business Choice The company I chose to do research on is Borders Group, Inc. â€Å"Borders Group, Inc. is now the second largest bookstore in the world†(Hoovers company profiles, 2011). This is a company that I just recently found out about. I love book stores and living in a town where the bookstores are very few†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"By 1990, Borders was considered to be the premier book superstore chain. In 1992, the Borders brothers sold the company to Kmart Corporation. After purchasing the company Kmart implemented modernized cash registers, formal training programs for employees, a human resources department and introduced music to the store’s stock. After these changes were made Borders operations reached $224.8 million, which was a 15.8 percent increase in net sales from the previous year†(Hoovers company profiles, 2011). â€Å"Kmart later ended its ownership of Borders when the formation of Borders Group, Inc. In 2010, Borders Group, Inc. was operating 584 stores and employed almost 20,000 people. In 2009, the company had a $2.8 billion dollars in revenue†(Hoovers company profiles, 2011). Vision Statement â€Å"Borders Group, Inc. vision is to create richer, more satisfying lives through knowledge and entertainment. Borders prided itself on having first-rate customer service, offering customers a wide range of services from location out-of-print titles to community activities like children’s storytelling hours and poetry readings†(Hoovers company profiles, 2011). Competitors â€Å"Borders Group, Inc. competitors are, Barnes Nobles and Books-A-Million. started off as an online bookstoreShow MoreRelatedComparison between Borders Books and Books1726 Words  | 7 PagesBorders Books and Borders Books This essay examines similar bookselling businesses with dissimilar outcomes, Borders Books and books. The essay reviews their histories and business strategies and explores reasons behind their respective success and failure. The Borders Group Inc. was at one time the nations second largest retailers of books, along with music and other educational, informational and entertainment products. 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In 1995 he started the website which was primarily an online book store at the time. â€Å"During the first 30 days of business, Amazon .com fulfilled ordersRead MoreThinking Outside the Covers of a Book: The Rise and the Fall of Amazon vs. Borders in the Online World1664 Words  | 7 PagesThinking outside of the box and the covers of a book: The rise and the fall of Amazon versus Borders in the online world Introduction With the rise in popularity of the Internet, the death of books was prophesized. The demise of Borders, once the most viable rival to the behemoth book chain Barnes Noble could be read as a symptom of this cultural phenomenon. However, another of Barnes Nobles rivals, that of is thriving. introduced a new model of profitability for onlineRead MoreThe Problem Of Illegal Immigration1508 Words  | 7 Pagesgovernment to reduce illegal immigrants are not giving newborns U.S citizenship, forcing border guards to be more active, and stop hiring illegal immigrants. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How to Use Harry Potter to Learn German
You can use Harry Potter to magically improve your German. The books and audiobooks are available in German, translated by Klaus Fritz. The books are popular in German-speaking countries and are readily available through and other booksellers. Print and Audiobook Versions of Harry Potter One reader bought the book and audiobook and read them together to learn pronunciation and rhythm. She often looked up unfamiliar words and phrases in a dictionary. She said that listening to the audiobook the first time was a torrential blur of German. But after a few times, the words became distinct and soon the story emerged. She began reading the page aloud right after hearing it to improve her pronunciation. Harry Potter Audiobooks (Hà ¶rbà ¼cher) One of the attractions of the German Harry Potter books is the audio. Narrator Rufus Beck has won praise for his lively reading of the Potter books in German. Listeners say they are enticed to listen to them over and over again, and repetition is very good for learning. Just as the repetition of the Harry Potter tapes has made my speech in German class somewhat less stilted and hesitant. Harry Potter Titles in German The print books are available in electronic versions for the Kindle reader and app and as audiobooks through and Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen - The German edition of book one: The Sorcerers Stone, aka The Philosophers StoneHarry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens - The second book in the series, The Chamber of Secrets.Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban - Book three in the series: The Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter und der Feuerkelch - The fourth book in the series, The Goblet of Fire.Harry Potter und der Orden des Phà ¶nix - The German version of the fifth book in the series was published on Nov. 8, 2003.Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz - The German version of the sixth book (Half-Blood Prince) in the series was published on Oct. 1, 2005.Harry Potter und die Heiligtà ¼mer des Todes - The German version of the seventh and final book. Names/Namenin German vs. English Harry Potter Books Most of the names for people - first and last - in the German Harry Potter books have been left in their original English form. Even Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Severus Snape keep their original names in German. However, for some reason â€Å"Aunt Marge†becomes â€Å"Tante Magda†or â€Å"Maggie†- even though Marge is a form of Margaret, and Magda is short for Magdalene. Any other name changes are usually minor: â€Å"Hermione†becomes â€Å"Hermine†in German. But the character named â€Å"Wormtail†is called â€Å"Wurmschwanz†in German - a logical and literal translation, Street names are translated fairly directly. â€Å"Privet Drive†becomes Ligusterweg in German (Liguster privet, a bush, genus Ligustrum, used for hedges). But the mythical â€Å"Diagon Alley†becomes Winkelgasse (â€Å"angle lane†) and the play on words of the original is lost. English-German Harry Potter Glossary This list compares words and expressions with keys to the hardcover editions. The sample sentences illustrate everyday vocabulary, as well as terms related to the books. Key:English, with hardcover volume/page (1/p4)Deutsch/German with Band/Seite (1/S9) yell at s.o/bawl s.o. out jdn. zur Schnecke machenhe yelled at five different people (1/p4)er machte fà ¼nf verschiedene Leute zur Schnecke (1/S8) stop dead wie angewurzelt stehenbleibenMr. Dursley stopped dead (1/p4)Mr. Dursley blieb wie angewurzelt stehen (1/S8) snap at s.o. jdn. anfauchenhe snapped at his secretary (1/p4)er fauchte seine Sekretà ¤rin an (1/S9) mantel/mantelpiece der KaminsimsOnly the photographs on the mantelpiece showed him how much time had passed. (1/p18)Nur die Fotos auf dem Kaminsims fà ¼hrten einem vor Augen, wie viel Zeit verstrichen war. (1/S24) booger der Popelâ€Å"Urgh - troll boogers.†(1/p177) »Uà ¤Ãƒ ¤Ãƒ ¤h, Troll-Popel. « (1/S194) argument der StreitNot for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number 4, Privet Drive. (2/p1)Im Ligusterweg Nummer 4 war mal wieder bereits beim Frà ¼hstà ¼ck Streit ausgebrochen. (2/S?) scar die NarbeIt was this scar that made Harry so particularly unusual, even for a wizard. (2/p4)Diese Narbe machte Harry sogar in der Welt der Zauberer zu etwas ganz Besonderem. (2/S?) dinner jacket der Smokingâ€Å"Right - Im off into town to pick up the dinner jackets for Dudley and me.†(2/p7) »Gut - ich fahr in die Stadt und hol die Smokings fà ¼r mich und Dudley ab. « (2/S?) peer intently konzentriert schauenAunt Petunia, who was bony and horse-faced, whipped around and peered intently out of the kitchen window. (3/p16)Tante Petunia, knochig und pferdegesichtig, wirbelte herum und schaute konzentriert aus dem Kà ¼chenfenster. (3/S?) put up with, tolerate ertragenHarry knew perfectly well that Dudley only put up with Aunt Marges hugs because he was well paid for it... (3/p22)Harry wusste genau, dass Dudley Tante Magdas Umarmungen nur ertrug, weil er dafà ¼r gut bezahlt wurde. (3/S?) odd, weird; diagonal schrà ¤gâ€Å"Always thought he was odd,†she told the eagerly listening villagers, after her fourth sherry. (4/p2) »Mir ist er immer schrà ¤g vorgekommen «, verkà ¼ndete sie nach dem vierten Glas Sherry den begierig lauschenden Dà ¶rflern. (4/S?) let s.o. go jmdn. laufen lassenAs there was no proof that the Riddles had been murdered at all, the police were forced to let Frank go. (4/p4)Da ein Mord an den Riddles nicht zu beweisen war, musste die Polizei Frank laufen lassen. (4/S?)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Albert Bandura-social cognitive learning theories Free Essays
Essay 4 Pieter van Rooyen 17333652 Albert bandura can be regarded as one of the most important representatives of social cognitive learning theories. He’s theory on observational learning (learning by observing behavior) is the single most important form of learning. He argues that people learn most of their behavior through observation and only a little through direct contact. We will write a custom essay sample on Albert Bandura-social cognitive learning theories or any similar topic only for you Order Now The reason for this is the complexity of most behavior, and that this can’t be learned through verbal instructions. This essay will focus on the principles of observational learning, highlight the strength and weaknesses, and also how observational learning can promote positive intergroup relations on campus at the University of Stellenbosch. Observation is a common learning tool and many, if not most do it unconsciously. The term modeling is used to describe this. This is when an observer observes the behavior of a model and then repeats the behavior. There are a few factors that influence this observational learning. They are the nature of the modeled behavior, the characteristics of the model, the characteristics of the observer, the result of the models behavior and the self-efficacy perception of the observer. The nature of the modeled behavior refers to the actual behavior. The situation in which the behavior takes place and if it is new or old behavior. New behavior attracts more attention than old behavior. The characteristics of the model plays an important role in observation learning. This includes age, sex, race and status. A model with high status is more likely to be imitated. The observer’s characteristics also play a major role in learning new behavior. The motivation and interests of the observer as well as the values and self-confidence has a major impact on the selection of models to imitate. An important factor is the result of the models behavior to determine whom to imitate. The reward gained from a certain behavior is a major motivator to imitate behavior. The final factor, the self-efficacy perception of the observer means that the observer needs to believe in his own capabilities to reproduce behavior. One can’t try to imitate an Olympic gymnast if you don’t believe you can. The strength of Bandura’s observational learning theory is that it gives a clear and accurate picture of how behavior is learnt. We can clearly see that adults and children copy each other’s behavior in certain situations. Strength to his theory is that it can be applied to real world problems, like cultural gaps or discipline problems at school level. This could mean that proper behavior can result large scale changes among people if only more people model the right behavior. One of the clear weaknesses in the observational learning theory is that too much emphasis is placed on what happens to the observer after he imitates the model rather that what the observer actually does with the information gained from the model. Intergroup relations at the University of Stellenbosch can really benefit from positive social behavior. When one social group sees another social group, regardless of race, gender, age or religion act in a positive and uplifting manner and reap rewarding results from this, this could lead to change in the former social group. Even more, if this is done properly, it can quickly spread and even more social groups can bring on change, first in their own group then by modeling it, change another group. This can defiantly lead to a positive change on Stellenbosch campus. How to cite Albert Bandura-social cognitive learning theories, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Homeless biography Essay Example For Students
Homeless biography Essay I hear them get closer and closer as the porch creaks every step to the door. My heart feels like its pounding through my chest, and sweat is pouring off my face as I sprint in a panic. I hear the key turning and the door opening just as I jump out the window. Ive been staying in that house for over a week now. Its for sale and real estate agents come by every few days to show it. Im a light sleeper and Ive been able to slip out before anyone can see Ive been staying there. I have no where to go except the street, mission centers, and buildings I break into. I make my way to the mission center about 6 miles away. My feet ache and my stomach hurts from what little food Ive had to start the day. I panhandled for about an hour making enough money to last a few days. I arrive at the mission just in time before they quite serving breakfast. The smell of sausage makes my stomach squirm with desire. I inhale the biscuits and gravy they have served me and wish for more. I dont bother asking for more because I know there answer is no. I make my way down the road to McDonalds because my stomach still aches from the lack of food lately. Luckily I made over ten dollars panhandling by a freeway entrance for about an hour. I also use their bathroom to wash my face and clean my self up somewhat. Im a rare homeless man in the fact that most of my peers are addicts. I choose not to involve my self in that scene. I cant afford a place to sleep, so I shouldnt waist what little money I get on drugs and alcohol. I have in the past used drugs but I found myself falling into a deep depression dwelling on where my life has come. The warm sun feels nice as the heat beats off my skin as I stroll down the sidewalk. I just keep walking thinking of what choices in life have led me to this point Im at now. My father was a military man and growing up we switched schools every 3 months as he was stationed all over the country. It becomes rough on a kid never having any true friends because of the constant change, but I soon got used to it. I feel not having any childhood friends led me to join the Army just like my father. I was in only in for a couple of years before I was sent over to Vietnam. I have never been the same since because with my return I learned both my parents had passed away while I was over serving our country. I havent adapted to society since then. I walk and write my thoughts in a red wrinkled journal I keep in my backpack that a carry everywhere. I have come to the fact of not caring about many things. I go to Safeway and fill my pockets full of donuts with sprinkles, which are my favorite, and proceed to walk out not caring if someone stops me. They wont throw me in jail for donuts and if they did it wont change anything it is just another place to add to my journal. My day is mostly consumed with writing and pondering many questions that come into my head. Today Im in the center of a park surrounded by trees gazing into the water of a pond just ahead. Slowly watching the leaves drift to the edge of the pond I question my role in this world and if any one would care if I wasnt here. Since no one cares for me now thats what drives me to write in my journal so much. So maybe in my mind one day someone will find it and gaze into the poetry and get lost in thoughts which I have concieved. Maybe these questions that come to mind and haunt me will strike something in a reader some day. Until then I continue to put everything I can on paper so that Im no .
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Air Strike Essays - Uranium, Gulf War, Kuwait, Depleted Uranium
Air Strike Essays - Uranium, Gulf War, Kuwait, Depleted Uranium Air Strike History: American: air strike March 04, 1998 IRAQ AND THE UNITED STATES In the past seven years there has been a great deal of tension concerning the United States and Iraq. The United States have been discussing conducting air strikes against Iraq. The 1991 Gulf War may not have been as successful as believed. The United States spent millions of American dollars to support the war effort in the 1991 Gulf War. Taxpayers money is not the only expendable thing during the 1991 Gulf War. Many United States Soldiers are now suffering from an unknown Gulf War Illness that allegedly the government knows nothing about. The United States is also seeking American support in an air strike in Iraq, but it is evident that the government is lacking this support. The United States Government needs to realize that they are killing Iraqis but the moral, economy and patriotism of the whole country. The United States is suffering from homelessness, poverty and hunger. In many cities in the world including in Iraq people can be found in famine. However, the United States is spending U.S. tax dollars in vain. Many congressmen are also unhappy in with the way the U.S. tax dollars are being spent. Senator John Warner, Republican Virginia, a senior member of the Senate Armed Services is very unhappy of the unnecessary spending of the U.S. dollar. Warner stated: Based on briefings tax payers have spent $750 million on the Gulf War effort, (USA TODAY 2/27/98). This outrage spending could be used to solve the United States economical burdens, and it would be horrible if the world's only remaining superpower uses its awesome might to slather a stricken little country where hunger is a daily menace. The U.S Patriotic Spirit is at question with the United States People. At the end of the 1991 Gulf War the country went into a great recession. Many Americans lost their jobs and homes. Americans according to a recent CNN Poll are not supporting an air strike. The poll stated: 41 percent of people favoring an armed strike, with 50 percent opposed and the rest unsure, (Charleston Gazette). After the 1991 Gulf War many war veterans have had many medical problems. One is known as Gulf War Illness. The Untied States Government hid circumstantial information from the U.S. people. A majority of the troops may have been exposed to hazardous particles of uranium from shells and wrecked Iraq vehicles. The vast majority of soldiers who had physical contact with Iraqi vehicles were on post war missions to clear the battlefield or to destroy what remained of their equipment. One soldier Victor Suell, a radio operator with the Marines had one kidney removed from the effects of the uranium. Suell stated: Nobody ever told us to stay away from the vehicles that might have been contaminated with depleted uranium, (USA TODAY 3/02/98). The U.S. Government failed to inform the soldiers of the dangers of the shelling. What else is the government failing to bring forward? Is Clinton threatening to have an air strike to cover up his alleged affair with a former White House Intern? The U.S. has been through many wars with the majority of the public support. The United States is just coming out of a recession. The United States Government needs to take care of the Gulf War Veterans and the homeless on the harsh streets in this country. WORK CITED IRAQ crisis. Charleston Gazette. (Feb 21, 1998). Group warns of new Gulf War exposure. USA TODAY. (March 2, 1998). Iraq deployment costs top $600million. USA TODAY. (Feb 27, 1998).
Friday, March 6, 2020
260 Week 4 Assignment Essay Example
Acc/260 Week 4 Assignment Essay Example Acc/260 Week 4 Assignment Essay Acc/260 Week 4 Assignment Essay Assignment: Critiquing Philosophical Approaches to Ethical Decision Making When it comes to making ethical decisions there are many different approaches to reach a decision. There is an ethical decision making (EDM) framework which incorporates traditional requirements for profitability and legality, as well as requirements shown to be philosophically important to stakeholders. The EDM framework asses the ethicality of a decision or action by examining the consequences or well-offness created in terms of net benefit or cost, rights and duties affected, fairness involved, and the motivation or virtues expected. Within the EDM framework there are three major philosophies used when making ethical decisions for a business. Being able to utilize all three of the EDM philosophies is massively important in order to make the right decision not only for the business but the stakeholders and yourself as well. The first philosophical approach is consequentialism. The consequentialism approach determines whether a decision or act is ethical depending upon its consequences. Brooks (2007) stated, â€Å"The consequentialist approach requires students to analyze a decision in terms of the harms and benefits to multiple stakeholders and to arrive at a decision that produces the greatest good for the greatest number. †(Significant Ethics Issues Facing Business and the Accounting Profession). In essence act or decision is ethical if its favorable consequences outweigh its negative consequences. The next philosophical approach is deontology. The deontology approach focuses on the obligations or duties motivating a decision or action rather than the consequences of the action. Brooks (2007) stated, â€Å"A deontological approach raises issues related to duties, rights, and justice considerations and teaches students to use moral standards, principles, and rules as a guide to making the best ethical decision. †(Significant Ethics Issues Facing Business and the Accounting Profession). With the deontology approach, when making a decision about what would be the right decision one needs to weigh out what action would be good for all of society to do where the act improves the well being of the decision maker and society as well. In essence if the conclusion of a decision is not one that all of society could make then it is said to not be a moral or ethical one. The third and final philosophical approach is one of virtue. The virtue approach is concerned with the motivating aspects of moral character demonstrated by decision makers. The virtue approach focuses on whether the decision maker will be able to make the decision knowing it is the right one rather than having a guilty conscience about their decision. Brooks (2007) stated, â€Å"Virtue ethics focuses on the character or integrity of the moral actor and looks to moral communities, such as professional communities, to help identify ethical issues and guide ethical action. †(Significant Ethics Issues Facing Business and the Accounting Profession). A decision maker can make a virtuous decision but for the wrong reason as well which results in the inspection of why the virtuous decision was made. A decision is truly virtuous if the decision maker is making the decision not to gain a greedy end result but because it is the right thing to do to improve society and or to discharge a duty to another person or organization. In a scenario where a mayor has to make a choice between a new building proposal for a mall that will boost the local economy massively or not building it because the location for the building is where the only nursing home and senior citizens’ recreation center is located effected 130 people what is the right decision to make? When using the consequentialism philosophy the correct decision would be to demolish the nursing home and senior citizens’ recreation center and build the mall. The reasoning behind the decision is that more people would benefit from building the mall than would not benefit from building the mall making it the logical and ethical thing to do. When using the deontology approach the decision could go either way. The reason why the mayor would decide not to build the new mall would be because he or she has a duty to protect the quality of life for individual citizens and it would be morally wrong to force senior citizens out of their homes with nowhere to go. When using the virtue ethics approach the decision would be to reject the building proposal. The reasoning behind the decision is that the mayor should have a virtuous character recognizing that forcing senior citizens out of their homes with nowhere to go is immoral. The right decision to make would be to reject the building plan. The approaches used to get to this decision are deontology and virtue ethics. The mayor needs to recognize that by building the mall senior citizens will be affected in a negative way but if the mall is not built then will be affected negatively other than the economy will not get a boost. There will be other opportunities to boost the economy and possibly one that will not have any negative effects. In a scenario where a worker is the only employee left to not hit her sales goals with three sales to go. If she hits her sales goals the entire branch will have hit them. If the entire branch hits their sales goals they will all get new equipment, vacation packages, and larger bonuses on top of their individual bonuses. She faced with making the decision of reporting three false sales to meet the goal and in turn help everyone. When using the consequentialsim approach the correct decision would be to report the three false sales. The reason that decision would be made is because it would benefit the entire branch whereas by not reporting the sales it benefits nobody. When using the deontology approach the decision would be to not report the sales. The reason that decision is made is because it would be dishonest and immoral to report false sales for personal benefit. When using the virtue ethics approach she will not report the sales. The reason this decision is made is because she needs to have a virtuous character by being honest. Out of all of the decisions made the right one is to not report the sales. The deontology and virtue ethics approaches were used to determine this. The action itself would be considered immoral by society’s standards and she would not be demonstrating virtuous character by being dishonest. In a scenario where four guys are living together and one of them walks in on another one of them in what appears to be a drug deal. The one guy has a decision to make about whether to turn him in to the authorities or to keep quiet and not make a big deal out of it. When using the consequentialism approach the decision would be to turn in the roommate. The reason the decision would be made that way is because it would benefit his other roommates and himself where if he did not turn him in the only people it would benefit would be the two involved in the drug deal. When using the deontology approach the decision would be to turn in the roommate. The reason for this decision is because it is the decision maker’s moral obligation to report the illegal activities. By not reporting the illegal activities the decision maker would be putting everybody else in danger as well. When using the virtue ethics approach the decision would be to turn in the roommate. The reason for this decision is because it would not be considered an act of virtuous character if he did not report the illegal activities. It would also be putting his other roommates in danger as well. The correct decision to be made in this scenario is to turn in the roommate. All of the different approaches lead to the same decision of turning him in therefore it has to be the most ethical decision. References Brooks, L. J. (2007). Business Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives, Accountants (4th ed. ). Mason, OH: Thomson Southwestern
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Businees organisation and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Businees organisation and policy - Essay Example Furthermore, Board members believe that acquisitions or mergers will have long-run benefits for improving innovation or expanding product line to ensure higher revenues and thereby make the company more attractive to investors through bond issuance or stock purchasing. Despite this rationale, there are several different factors that lead to failures in merger and acquisition failures: cultural integration problems, direct management failures in execution and leadership, the current position of either company as it relates to product/service life cycle and the speed by which changes are made within the new blended organisation. This report gives perspective on these failures and potential successes to justify why Board members continue to pursue this strategy, using real-world case studies as reference for analysis. 2. Failed merger: Hewlett Packard and Compaq Both Hewlett Packard and Compaq believed a blended company would achieve synergies in relation to cost, research and developme nt, innovation and time to market, as well as consolidation of service and technical support which were significant expenditures as self-operated firms. Compaq had a well-established brand, however complexities in the consumer market, along with emerging competition offering similar services and products, continued to erode brand loyalty and sales revenues. At the time of the merger, Compaq experienced a net income of only $78 million, a decline from 2000 of $296 million (Compaq 2001). This was significantly low considering Compaq sustained revenues of 1.1 billion dollars in 2001. Compaq maintained significantly high operating expenses and credit/loan repayments that continued to erode cash flow and shareholder equity. HP, on the other hand, maintained a much stronger balance sheet and sustained a healthier brand loyalty in consumer markets and thus intended to strengthen the positioning of Compaq and consolidate its over-financed operations to ensure synergistic outcomes. However, executives at HP failed to consider that both Compaq and Hewlett-Packard were in the maturity stage of the service and product life cycle and would both be moving toward sales declines without innovative service and product launches. At the time of merger, Hewlett Packard was having a significantly difficult time competing with the B2B market alongside competition such as IBM and Sun in relation to server product purchases to sustain business information technology infrastructures (Hoopes 2004). This was a very profitable market for competition and for HP if they managed to position themselves properly on the B2B market. Investors found that the inability to gain target market business customers would only be further sustained by blending Compaq’s already troubled brand into its corporate sales and marketing strategies. HP and Compaq were already both experiencing the maximum profit expected without modernising services in the maturity stage and, at the time, neither company were working on significantly differentiated product developments to expand revenues and avoid eventual sales declines. Hewlett Packard also maintained a very rigid, top-down hierarchy that was highly centralized whilst Compaq had a more liberal system of governance that fostered more innovation and free
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Recycling in construction site Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Recycling in construction site - Research Paper Example For example, plastic is one material, which is extremely useful. At the same time, it is difficult to dispose plastic properly after the use. Almost the entire industries are producing wastes in one way or another. Construction industry is one of the prominent industries in waste production. Waste management or recycling of waste in construction sites is extremely difficult. Recycling processes are used extensively in construction sites as the waste management mechanism. â€Å"Recycling involves the collection of used and discarded materials processing these materials and making them into new products. It reduces the amount of waste that is thrown into the community dustbins thereby making the environment cleaner and the air fresher†(Recycling and Reuse, n.d.).This paper analyses the waste management or recycling mechanisms in construction sites. Waste generated at a construction site can be recycled in two ways. One option is to separate recyclables by material, such as cardboard, metal, clean wood, etc., into individual bins. Separating recyclables allows you to take advantage of lower dumping fees. The second option is to put recyclable materials into one bin and take it to a recycling facility that specializes in sorting materials (Construction site recycling, 2012, p.2). Separation or segregation of the wastes generated in the construction sites is the key in waste management mechanisms in construction sites. It is not an easy task. Only the skilled workers can segregate usable and unusable wastes. â€Å"Packaging, new material scraps and old materials and debris all constitute potentially recoverable materials. In renovation, appliances, masonry materials, doors and windows are recyclable. 8,000 lbs of waste are typically thrown into the landfill during the construction of a 2,000 square foot home†(Construction Waste Recycling, 2012). A substantial portion of the wastes generated in the construction
Monday, January 27, 2020
Waste Management Practices in Malta
Waste Management Practices in Malta Chapter 1 Introduction Context As time gone by, the world as we know it evolved and also with it do did the waste management practices. Through the global widespread epidemic outbreaks, back in early nineteenth century, waste management had shifted from the dilute and disperse and repair and reuse to the new concept of collect and remove in order to protect the general public from unhealthy living conditions. This approach gave birth to what we know now a day as landfills. The latter saw the introduction of new practices such as waste collection from cities being carted away and discarded openly somewhere else away from the same cities. The first dump sites (landfills) were not engineered in any form which essentially entailed finding a place where one could dispose of unwanted material outside its habitable boundary/territory. Since the beginning of the term sustainable living, many individuals famous to societies or also not known, along with other organisations had given definitions to waste. While every country around the globe has its own definition, other countries had moved forward, in particular the EU, and its 28 member states. Thus, the EU block has harmonised and has a synergy amongst all its 28 member states for defining waste. Waste has various definitions such as Waste is what is left behind when imagination fails (Ekberg 2009 as published by Linnenkopper in magazine Recycling International issue August 2016, para 1). However, within the EU, a synchronized definition of waste has been in use in its current wording for over three decades now and is embedded in the 2008, Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC). The legal analysis of Article 3(1) which defines waste as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Again, within the EU and its 28 member states, the Landfill Directive, municipal solid waste is defined as waste from households, as well as other waste which, because of its nature or composition, is similar to waste from households (EU, 1999). With lots of emphasis on waste management and waste becoming a problem, many took the advantage of this potential time bomb situation and came up with waste as a resource. The new concept of circular economy was born and introduced across the globe. Regretfully to say, there is no documentation when actually the term was born, but it is believed that it gained momentum in the late 1970s, and it was led by a small number of academics, thought-leaders and businesses. In smaller industries, where modern technology is usually less prevalent, a common tendency is to process waste through source separation (Berg, 1993:182). Hence, there is thus a considerable risk for sub-optimising solutions without an all-embracing perspective covering all kinds of waste (Tiberg, 1995 as cited in Stenis ,2005:22). As Mutavchi (2012:5) had stated in his Doctoral dissertation titled Solid Waste Management Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis using the Wamed Model The emphasis on waste continue to be problematic is more evident particularly in Europe. This can be confirmed by the European Commission investing in many innovative projects to control the waste issue. The latter are a wide range of initiatives ranging from reducing to reusing of wastes. The notion of municipal waste collection what we know today as Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) was introduced in Malta towards the late 20th century, and the first for dirty materials Materials Recovery Facility ( MRF) was established in Marsascala in 1993. The practice of recycling had been introduced in Malta many years later and as the National Statistics Office (NSO) proves by its available data, recycling locally is immensely low in numbers. In Malta, the sustainable discussions when it comes to waste were initiated with the application of Malta to enter the EU block back in the 1990, of which the latter missed the 1995 accession and again application was frozen back in 1996 when there was a change in Government from the Nationalist party (PN) pioneer to accession to the EU block to the Labour party (MLP) anti EU accession but in favour of special agreements e.g. Switzerland. Malta Eventually joined the EU as a full member in 2004 when after a short-lived Labour government of just eighteen months, the PN were re-elected and negotiations to reactivate the application had taken place intensely by 2000 in order for Malta to catch up with the other candidates awaiting to join the EU block which took place in May 2004. Only to join the block in 2004 after national turmoil on accession. Waste management was one of the issues that Malta had to cover during the EU negotiations and this gave birth to the first national waste management plan for the Maltese islands document back in 2001 of which its updated version is enforced via the Waste Management Plan for the Maltese Islands 2014-2020. The researcher concurs with the vision of the Waste Management Plan for the Maltese islands 2014-2020 (MSDEC 2014) that of realizing the link between environmental objectives and human wellbeing will lead to sustainable waste management. In order for the National Waste Management plan to be successfully implemented, there must be a full societal commitment. Unless the Maltese citizens commence mutually to adopt the 3 pillars of zero waste (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) within their daily lives, there will be little to no improvement. Furthermore, such commitment calls for every citizen to change their current behaviour. However, the latter can only be made if only proper dissemination of information is made for better choices to be made in order for the stimulation of the involved stakeholders to improve. 1.2 Research Objectives The motivation behind this research project is to feel the pulse of the Maltese citizens and any one residing in the Maltese Islands when it comes to waste Management practices, in particular waste management educational and awareness campaigns, their effectiveness on the general public and whether the latter are leading to the desired success when it comes to alter the citizens behaviour towards the 3 Rs as well as reaching the EU set targets. This research project aims to identify issues pertaining to barriers and limitations when it comes to the citizen to execute the 3Rs as well as identifying the niches subjects that the citizens feel that are not giving enough importance during waste management educational and awareness campaigns. The latter information gathering will give insight to better assessment prior and after campaigns as well as evaluate feedback that will make such campaigns more interesting and gain the desired success. Nevertheless, the researchers previous experience within the social research field will be put into use and practice again, and previous experience within such research will help to guide and improve this research methodology even better by eliminating already known flaws from previous research experience. The proposed research is aimed at: Finding the barriers and limitations towards the 3Rs Identify the success and failures of education and awareness campaigns Identify whether the citizens differ between awareness and educational campaigns Finding whether the citizens are ready to sacrifice their lifestyle for the sake of sustainability Finding whether politicians and politics plays a role and have influence on citizens and waste management Finding whether character assimilations can help participation increase in campaigns Finding what else the citizens want to know from these campaigns Finding whether there is Fragmentation or unity amongst the key stakeholders when it comes to waste management Finding who the citizens look up to, to resolve waste issues Finding whether management by crisis is applied when it comes to waste management issues Finding whether more can be done such as fines, enforcement, monitoring etc. Evaluating previous waste awareness and educational campaigns success. Research Questions The main research questions that the undertaken research study will explore are the following: What are the barriers and limitations to the citizens of the Maltese islands when it comes to waste management adherence? Why are the waste awareness and educational campaigns not leaving the desired results? What is lacking? What other information and guidance the Maltese citizens want to receive when it comes to waste management issues and executing of the 3Rs? Where is, Malta failing when it comes to public involvement in reaching the EU set targets for waste management? Whether education is or can be the link to bridge the gap between the citizens and waste management issues and living sustainably Structure of Dissertation The dissertation is divided into 5 Main chapters and throughout these chapters the researcher will engage in finding answers to the research questions. Following the introduction to the main subject in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 provides an over view of the waste management in Malta and how it had evolved with time, along with other legislation and obligations that Malta have nationally and internationally. The same chapter also reviews past and current waste awareness and educational campaigns, along with other issues pertaining to waste management within the Maltese islands. The gathered literature review aims to give an overview of the current waste management scenario along with the attitude and behaviour of the citizens towards such subject. Chapter 3, will take the reader around the approach the researcher had concluded to use throughout the study. The chosen methodology will aim to identify the main issues pertaining to waste management from a citizens and main stakeholders point of view. This part also provides a detailed description of the tools used and applied to gain the required information in order to arrive to a conclusion. Chapter 4 explores the in-depth evaluation carried out via the one to one interviews with various stake holders as well the focus groups carried out with various citizens. The latter chapter discusses in details the findings while evaluating deeply the findings gathered during the above-mentioned sessions. The findings during the analysis will give insight and ideas along with food for thought to the researcher in order to come up with proposals of how local scenario can improve on the whole. The final Chapter is 5, which presents the findings throughout the whole of the study along with conclusions and recommendations made from this research. The chapter revisit the findings and concludes by calling for further research and actions and for the findings and suggestions to be taken on board for execution by the responsible authorities. Conclusion The citizen seems to be shifting from the laissez faire mentality to the social responsibility of living sustainable, both for oneself and family as well as for the environment as a whole. While one must conclude that social conscious towards the environment and sustainable living is on the increase, one must question whether the authorities are guiding the citizen correctly and helping in reducing and/or restricting its barriers to keep on moving towards the sustainable lifestyle that every nation desires.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Discuss the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men Essay
Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men is set in America in the 1930s. This was a time and a place where some people were discriminated against because of their lifestyle. The fundamental cause of this was a hierarchy that existed within American civilisation. The rich and the powerful were given a place in society whereas the working class were outcasts. Of Mice and Men is a novella of outcasts. Steinbeck explores how discrimination dominates the lives of these outcasts: racial discrimination against Crooks, age discrimination against Candy, gender discrimination against Curley’s wife and discrimination against Lennie because of his mental disability. The similarity between all the outcasts is that they all dream of an existence where they are not the victims of discrimination, and this dream is their sole motivation in life. Their dream is the American Dream. Through these outcasts, Steinbeck details everything that was morally wrong with 1930s America. The reason for this was the instability of the 1930s American economy; the Wall Street crash in 1929 being one example. The result of this was a high level of unemployment, and it was these people who were the outcasts. 1930s America rejects Lennie because of his mental ineptitude. George protects Lennie from the victimisation he would have to endure, if he were to face 1930s America on his own. George also helps Lennie find a job as he is hopeless on his own, â€Å"If he finds out what a crazy bastard you are, we won’t get no job.†There are two aspects George’s speech that would suggest he is trying to protect Lennie. Firstly the normality of his tone; he is not shouting and therefore Lennie would not feel that there is anything wrong with him. Secondly what George is actually saying; he is giving Lennie advice on how to avoid being victimised. Both Lennie and George have the same dream, but for different reasons. Lennie dreams of having his own bit of land so he can tend rabbits; he is not trying to escape discrimination because he does not understand the concept of it. George, on the other hand, wants to escape discrimination. He wants to live without worrying about Lennie’s every move. He wants Lennie to be safe. It is plainly apparent that Lennie and George’s dream is their only incentive in life; all their efforts are aimed at earning enough money to buy their own bit of land. It is made even more apparent to the reader at the end of the book that their dream is their only incentive in life, â€Å"Come on George. Me an’ you’ll go in an’ get a drink.†Lennie is dead and suddenly the dream is no longer achievable. The reader immediately sees how George’s incentive to save money goes; he is going to go for a drink with Slim where he will likely squander every cent he has. There is evidence to suggest that George never really thought they would ever achieve their dream, â€Å"I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would†He had talked about the dream so many times to Lennie, he started to believe it could come true even though he knew, inside, that it would not. Crooks is rejected because he is a Negro. Racism was rife in 1930s America and Negros were the unwanted surplus of American society. Steinbeck shows the reader how Crooks has adapted to protect himself from hurt. Unlike other characters, Crooks considers what can go wrong first before he starts to believe a dream can come true, â€Å"I see hundreds of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches with their bindles in their back an’ that same damn thing in their heads†Crooks has been hurt in the past. He knows the realities of life in 1930s America. The result of not having a dream reflects in the way in which he lives his life. Unlike Lennie, George, Candy and Curley’s wife, Crooks has no incentive in life. Crooks is content to stay in his lodging away from the rest of the world. Although he is not progressing in life; he is not digressing. But given the opportunity he also clings on to Lennie, George and Candy’s dream. This shows that although he does not dream, he has longings and desires. Steinbeck reveals this through use of nostalgic language, in Crooks’ desire to re-experience the feeling of equality he felt when he was a child, â€Å"The white kids came to play at our place, an’ sometimes I went to play with them.†Crooks dreams of equality, this is evident in the books he reads; in particular the Californian Civil Code. He longs for a civilisation where he can be treated equally. For Crooks, his desire for equality dominates his life as dreams dominate the lives of the other outcasts. Candy is discriminated against because he is old and useless. In an environment where respect is earned through physical competence, Candy has no respect from his fellow ranch workers. However, the most painful thing for Candy is the feeling of not belonging and lack of purpose. He has these feelings because he is old and has lived most of his life; he has left no mark on the world. Other workers, younger workers, like Whit, have dreams of making a mark on the world as Candy probably had when he was younger. Whit displays admiration for a former ranch worker he reads about in a magazine who has had a letter published in that magazine. Whit dreams of making a mark on the world and has not even considered the misery that will overcome him if he does not. Steinbeck uses juxtaposition to illustrate to the reader how little respect Candy receives from his fellow workers. Candy could not kill his dog; he is his only companion and he has owned and loved him for years, â€Å"No, I couldn’t do that. I had ‘im for too long.†Candy desperately wants to save his dog here, but the other workers at the ranch do not respect him enough to comply with his wishes. The contrast between Candy’s desperation and the other worker’s casual dismissal of this desperation highlights how little respect Candy receives from his fellow workers. For this reason Candy quickly catches on to Lennie and George’s dream. He has money in the bank, as a result of his compensation for his lost hand, and feels that the dream can come true with their money combined. His dream is his incentive in life; he carries on with his insignificant swamping at the ranch because it is the only thing he can do. If George, Lennie and Candy can somehow make this dream maintainable he can live the rest of his life happily. As a woman Curley’s wife is isolated as women were not equal to men in 1930s America. She is deprived of many things men have: companionship, power and acknowledgement. She dreams of having all these things. But she differs from the other outcasts because she has no hope of achieving her dream. What she believed to be her only shot at achieving her dream has gone. Furthermore she is trapped in a marriage with a callous man who she despises. In fact if it were up to her husband she would remain indoors all day. The men do not like her because they see her as a ‘tart’ and a threat. She could get them ‘canned’, â€Å"I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her.†George discriminates against her because she is a woman. He makes the assumption that any woman in a male lodging is trouble. Through George’s damning reaction to Curley’s wife Steinbeck shows the reader how she will never achieve her dream. She has no power because she is a woman. She only has power over Crooks because he is a Negro, â€Å"You know what I can do if you open your trap?†Steinbeck’s presentation of the situation would suggest she is using Crooks as a scapegoat to disburse her frustrations. And she is indeed because Crooks is trying to defend his room from what he sees as an invasion of his territory, â€Å"You got no rights comin’ in a colored man’s room.†Curley’s wife may have been scornful, but Crooks was equally insensitive to her. She is never acknowledged, her true name is not mentioned, and therefore Crooks’ comment made her turn on him like a whiplash because he is the only one on the ranch over whom she has any power or authority. It is ironic how the death of the forgotten outcast brings about the end of all the other outcasts’ dreams. To conclude, dreams are important in the novella because they are the only thing the outcasts can cling on to. They are discriminated against to the extent that they cannot achieve success; they are doomed to failure. Even their dreams, the only means by which they can escape the monotony of 1930s America, are destroyed by their compromised circumstances. Steinbeck shows the reader how important dreams are for the poor. Only the poor that have a dream can live their lives with their dream as an incentive. Steinbeck sums up the injustice of 1930s America at the end of the novella. Curley’s dream of killing Lennie comes true, it is an evil dream and it is the only one in the novella that comes true; the dream of one man with a little power and authority over the dreams of all the poor. (Although Crooks’ dream of equality does become true it is a long time after the novella is written, and he does not experience this so it can be said that his dream did not come true) Through the dreams of the poor Steinbeck conveys many things that were wrong with 1930s America.
Friday, January 10, 2020
On Conflict Settlement Essay
Schick (1995) defines a conflict as a â€Å"distinctive structure of desires and a belief†(p. 58). A conflict arises when an agent wants x and y wherein x and y are the only options available to the agent. Given this situation, an agent may choose to react in two ways. First, the agent may choose to avoid the conflict or second, the agent may choose to resolve the conflict. In the resolution of a conflict, the agent starts to think rationally by seizing to think that the options available to him involves choosing both x and y or losing both x and y. In this sense, the agent enables the resolution of the conflict through an internal mediation of his or her desires. The same thing applies when it comes to interpersonal conflict. The difference between the two merely lies in the existence of a particular situation wherein the desires and beliefs of two or more agents tend to counter that of the other. This shows the manner in which conflicts enable the â€Å"balancing of power†within an agent or within a group (Rummel, 1991, p. 76). The balancing of powers resulting from the occurrence of a conflict enables the balancing of the following elements: interests, capabilities, and wills. Rummel (1991) notes â€Å"conflict is a balancing of individual interests, capabilities, and wills. It is a simultaneous solution to the equations of power†(p. 77). Within an interpersonal conflict, it does not necessarily mean that the agent(s) whose beliefs and desires take precedence over the other is the agent(s) who hold power within a group. The balance of powers refers to the mutual satisfaction of the different and contending interests within a group. In other words, the balance of powers may be understood as the result of the mediation within an interpersonal conflict. In the previous presentation, one of the groups presented steps that may be followed in case a conflict arises. The steps that they provided involve the agent(s) development of self-awareness. The importance of self-awareness here can be seen if one considers that it is only through the agent(s) identification of the clashing beliefs and desires that the agent(s) will be able to achieve the resolution of the conflict. This was shown by the group through a skit that they presented in class. One might note that in the skit itself, the group was able to present that failure to develop awareness may lead to aggression which might further enhance the conflict at hand. The importance of this skit does not lie in its means of providing an example for those who were present; it also enabled the audience’s direct experience of a conflict. Deutsch et al (2006) notes, â€Å"observing models deal effectively with difficult situations allows the observer to achieve greater freedom in coping with current and future problems of all sorts (p. 309). Despite of this, the group however, was unable to show that resolution and aggression are not the only means in which a conflict may end. Matthews and Roberts (2004) notes that conflicts may also lead to â€Å"collaboration and appeals to authority†(p. 451). Although one might state that this also leads to the resolution of a conflict in the sense that it ends a conflict, it is important to note that conflicts that end in this manner further breeds the creation of further disagreements amongst the agent(s) involved. Matthews and Roberts (2004) further notes that in the resolution of a conflict, there are certain skills which individuals should learn. These involve â€Å"active listening, assertiveness, expression of feelings in appropriate ways, empathy and perspective taking, cooperation, negotiation, and methods for countering bias†(p. 451). Although the group was unable to present all of these point, they were able to relay well the information that they had prepared for the presentation. In summary, given the time constraints on the group, I think the group was able to relay helpful information that will aid the members of the audience in the process of understanding and handling situations that may lead to both personal and interpersonal conflict. References Deutsch, M. et al. (2006). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Matthews, G. & R. Roberts. (2004). Emotional Intelligence: Science and Myth. Massachusetts: MIT Press. Rummel, R. (1991). The Conflict Helix. London: Transaction Publishers. Schick, F. (1997). Making Choices: A Recasting of Decision Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Challenges Faced by The Students When Speaking and in Their Writing Practices Free Essay Example, 1500 words
It is a shame for students who have undertaken rigorous English courses to be intimidated by slight activities such as speaking the English language. Although the degree of fluency varies even among the native speakers, the non-native speakers should also at least show that their past efforts in learning the language did not go to waste. Singh, a Professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia, states that the international graduate students faced challenges in the instructional settings where English was used as the medium (12). I find it in order to find Malaysian students struggling to catch up with materials written by the natives. Having in mind that most of the books they use for learning are authored by reputable scholars, it goes without doubt that must face hurdles incomprehension. Singh further stated that it was more difficult for international graduates to make the necessary adjustment to study their master programs in the English language (19). From the knowledge I have, I thi nk graduate students should be in a position to comprehend all English materials regardless of their complexity. I know students must first undertake English courses and pass tests before they are admitted for the master s programs. We will write a custom essay sample on Challenges Faced by The Students When Speaking and in Their Writing Practices or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Singh states that the lecturers often fail to recognize the complexity of language issues confronting foreign students (19). Lecturers usually assume that the graduate students have adequate mastery of various aspects of writing.
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